What You Need to Know to Better Maintain A Tankless Unit

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Tankless water heaters are the preferred appliance for many homeowners. Compared with traditional heaters, a tankless unit doesn’t take up much space and can provide hot water on demand. If you have a tankless unit and are wondering how you can maintain it better, JNR Plumbing, trusted experts in water heater repair in Wilton, CT, shares a few tips below:

Clean it Annually

If your tankless water heater runs on gas, you must keep it clean around all areas where air circulates, such as the burners and the control areas. Over time, dust, dirt, and other debris can accumulate, which can lead to malfunctioning of your tankless unit. You should have the water heater cleaned once annually by a professional to keep it in optimal condition. Don’t perform this task by yourself as it requires proper knowledge and experience.

Flush It

One thing to remember after getting a water heater installation is that with a tankless unit, you still have to flush it as part of your regular maintenance. Over time, hard water causes sediment buildup on the interior, which can affect the performance of your unit.

Flushing your heater can eliminate mineral deposits and prevent potential problems that could lead to premature water heater replacement.

Maintain its Exterior

Although maintaining the interior of your tankless unit is important, you shouldn’t neglect the exterior. Getting water heater services means that the professional can check the pipes and pressure valve while you do your part in wiping down the outside of your unit.

Descale It

Descaling the tankless unit is one of the most important maintenance steps. While you can always get a plumber in Wilton, CT, to descale your heater, you can also do it yourself. First, turn off the electricity and then the valves. Put hoses into the cold and hot water ports, place the pump in the bucket and add a descaler into the bucket and let it sit.

For quality water heater services, look no further than JNR Plumbing. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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